Welcome to the Cake International Learning Hub.
CI is synonymous with bringing you world renowned artists and exclusive content; the CI Learning Hub has been curated to enable you access to an exciting range of resources and bring you in depth virtual demos, at a fantastic price!
How to access the Learning Hub?
All of the virtual demos are held on a closed Facebook group and are able to view live, play back at your convenience and are accessible indefinitely (subject to Facebook terms) .
Once you have bought your ticket to one of the sessions you will receive an email receipt which will then be followed by an email with joining instructions.
Cake International cannot be held responsible for the students’ wifi reception when transmitting the demonstrations.
Each demo is approximately 60-90 mins, some may be pre-recorded but the artist will be available in the group during the scheduled time to answer any questions.

Anna Astashkina
Magnolia Wafer Paper Flowering Branch
3 June 21
19.00hrs GMT
£12 per person

Anna Astashkina
Wafer Paper Flowers
Both Wild Meadow and Magnolia Demos
1 & 3 June 21
19.00hrs GMT
£20 per person

Molly Robbins
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Molly will not be available for Q&A.

Natalie Porter
Cosmos Flowers & Colour
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Natalie will not be available for Q&A.

Rhianydd Webb
Wafer Paper Drift Rose
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Rhianydd will not be available for Q&A.

Karen Portaleo
Smiling Face
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Karen will not be available for Q&A.

Daniel Diéguez
Cat in a Boot
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Daniel will not be available for Q&A.

Ben Fullard
Chocolate Scrunch Technique
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Ben will not be available for Q&A.

Corinna Maguire
Floating Ghost
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Corinna will not be available for Q&A.

Emily Hankins
Orchid Painting
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Emily will not be available for Q&A.

Jacqui Kelly
Bobbing Beryl
£10 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Jacqui will not be available for Q&A.

Suzanne Thorp
Royal Icing Techniques
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Suzanne will not be available for Q&A.

Suzanne Esper
Hand tied wildflowers
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Suzanne will not be available for Q&A.

Gary Pollard
Griffin Armature
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Gary will not be available for Q&A.

Sophia Fox
Painting on Cakes
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Sophia will not be available for Q&A.

Vicky Teather
The Bride
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Vicky will not be available for Q&A.
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Cassie Brown
Daisies & Scabious with Dusting & Airbrushing
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Cassie will not be available for Q&A.

Milene Habib
Cute Gravity Defying Dragon
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Milene will not be available for Q&A.
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Dawn Butler
Airbrushing 101
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Dawn will not be available for Q&A.
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Elza Baldzhiyska
Face Colouring
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Elza will not be available for Q&A.
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Jane Taylor
Flower Piping
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Jane will not be available for Q&A.
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Silvia Mancini
Summer Girl
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Silvia will not be available for Q&A.
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Stephanie Would
Moon Baby
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Stephanie will not be available for Q&A.
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Mish Pattinson
Autumn Floral Wreath
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Mish will not be available for Q&A.
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Tracey Mann
Cute Penguin Christmas Painting
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Tracey will not be available for Q&A.
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Gary Pollard
‘Griffin 2’
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Gary will not be available for Q&A.
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Tasnuta Alam
Cute Little Cupcake Toppers
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Tasnuta will not be available for Q&A.
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Lisa Elliott
Just bananas
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Lisa will not be available for Q&A.
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Prachi Dhabal Deb
Baby Nursery
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Prachi will not be available for Q&A.
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Jennifer Moran
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Jennifer will not be available for Q&A.
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Jennifer Moran
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Jennifer will not be available for Q&A.
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Jennifer Moran
A Pinch of Finch
£12 per person
This demo has taken place but is still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Jennifer will not be available for Q&A.
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Jennifer Moran
Birds & The Bee – All 3 Demos
£30 per person
These demos have taken place but are still available to playback indefinitely. Please note Jennifer will not be available for Q&A.
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