The Dragonslayer | Cake International

The Dragonslayer

“The legend was true then…

The Red Dragon lived deep within the volcanic furnaces, both enraged and empowered by that terrible heat. His hellish lair was adorned by the charred skulls of many melted challengers.

Sweat runs into the Dragonslayer’s eyes, and his boots burn against the rocks. He raises his weapon.

The monster shifts, spattering lava as it roars. It fixes him with glowing green eyes, anchors massive talons into the scarred slopes, and heaves itself into the open.

Challenge accepted…”

The feature is kindly sponsored by Joey Sugar King 


It’s with enormous pleasure that Gary Pollard is developing this feature for exhibition at Cake International’s 30th birthday! Gary looks forward to seeing you all there for a chat and a hefty dose of creativity and technique!